Have you ever wondered how much to tip your carpet cleaner? The standard tip amount is $5-$20 per cleaning person. You’re not alone in feeling confused about tipping, especially when you want to show appreciation for a well-done job. 

We’ll answer common questions about tipping carpet cleaners and help you decide what’s appropriate. From understanding when tipping is expected to knowing how much to tip for different situations, we’ve got you covered.

How Much Should You Tip?

The standard tip for carpet cleaners is $5-$20 per cleaning person. While tipping isn’t mandatory, it is appreciated when you receive good service. Here are some guidelines to help you determine the right amount:

  • Standard Tip: $5-$20 per person.
  • For Difficult Jobs: If the job is particularly challenging, consider tipping more, around $10-$20 or 10-15% of the total bill. This includes moving a lot of furniture, dealing with tough stains, or navigating a tricky home layout.

When Is Tipping Appropriate?

Tipping is a nice way to show gratitude for good service, but it’s unexpected. Here are some situations where tipping is more or less appropriate:

  • Employees: If the carpet cleaners are employees of a company, tipping is generally appreciated.
  • Owner-Operated Businesses: Tipping is less expected if the carpet cleaner owns the company since they set their rates.

Other Ways to Show Appreciation

If you decide not to tip or if you’re unsure about how much to tip, there are other ways to show your appreciation:

  • Thank You Note: A sincere thank you note can go a long way in showing your gratitude.
  • Positive Review: Leaving a positive review online can help the business attract more customers.


While tipping your carpet cleaner is not required, it’s a thoughtful gesture that can show your appreciation for their hard work. A tip of $5-$20 per worker is reasonable, especially if the job is more labor-intensive, like moving heavy furniture or tackling tough stains. The decision to tip and how much to tip comes down to your satisfaction with the quality of work performed.

There are many ways to show your gratitude. If you decide not to tip, consider writing a sincere thank you note or leaving a positive review online. These actions can make a big difference and are greatly appreciated by those who work hard to clean your home. A small gesture of appreciation can boost their morale and encourage them to continue providing excellent service.

Showing appreciation through a tip, a thank-you note, or a positive review helps support your local service providers and contributes to their success. Whether you tip or not, acknowledging the effort and care put into their work can create a positive experience for you and the service provider.