813-358-3876 [email protected]


Manny's Carpet
Cleaning & Repairs

11346 Hudson Hills Lane
Riverview, FL 33579

Opening hours

Mon – Sat 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sun – Closed

Call for An Instant Quote!

(813) 358-3876

3 Ways To Remove Pet Stains and Odors from Carpet

[ai_post_generator_toc]How To Remove Pet Stains and Odors from Carpet Pet stains and odors on carpets can be one of the most difficult, and unpleasant, cleaning jobs in the house. You may have tried all sorts of methods to remove the smell, but it seems to linger no...

Carpet Stain Removing Guide

[ai_post_generator_toc]How to get stains out of carpet Carpets are an important part of any home and they can add a lot of beauty and warmth to any space. Unfortunately, they can also be prone to staining and can be difficult to clean. If you’ve got a stain on your...

How to stretch a carpet in 6 easy steps

[ai_post_generator_toc] How to stretch a carpet Carpet Stretching can be a tricky and tedious task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be done in no time. If you’ve noticed wrinkles, buckles, or other signs of wear in your carpet, it’s time to consider...
Why is It Important to Have Regular Carpet Cleaning?

Why is It Important to Have Regular Carpet Cleaning?

There are several reasons why it is important to have regular carpet cleaning: Improved air quality: Carpets can trap dirt, dust, and other contaminants, which can be released into the air when the carpet is disturbed. Regular carpet cleaning can help remove these...